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Примеры кода Приложения JetBrains/kotlinconf-app - official KotlinConf application - backend, android, ios with shared code;Kotlin/mpp-example - official Multiplatform (android + ios) sample from JetBrains;JetBrains/KotlinFinder - official KotlinFinder application from JetBrains and IceRock for KotlinConf 2019 (android + ios)touchlab/DroidconKotlin - DroidCon conference application from TouchLab (android + ios);SimonSchubert/Newsout - News application sample (android + ios) using database;sergiocasero/votlin-app - all-platforms conference application - backend, android, ios, frontend with shared code;adrianbukros/github-multiplatform-example - simple example of mobile application (android + ios) using kodein for DI and Timber for logging.cmota/commit19 - conference application (android + ios);cmota/droidconLX - DroidCon conference application (android + ios) with database;wiyarmir/kotlin-multiplatform-mobile-template - project template of multiplatform project;webfactorymk/kotlin-multiplatform-currency-converter - mobile project sample with multimodular approach;russhwolf/multiplatform-hello - mobile platforms, backend, testing;jarroyoesp/KotlinMultiPlatform - android, ios, web app, desktop jvm app, ktor, serialization, sqldelight, mockk;Karumi/KotlinMultiplatformApp - android, ios, ktor, coroutines, serialization, detekt, ktlint;jeremyrempel/gitnotes - network, mobile;petrumo/KotlinMultiplatformMVI - mvi mobile, android, ios;felipehjcosta/chat-app - Chat Multiplatform from Felipe Costa for Web, Android and iOS (Kotlin 1.3.61, common lib is using on android, ios, frontend (based on React but using Kotlin), a shared code between backend and client common lib, tests is in common lib);joreilly/PeopleInSpace - Minimal Kotlin Multiplatform project using Jetpack Compose and SwiftUI (now also includes WatchOS version!) ;kommentaire/kommentaire-app - backend, android, ios, jetpack compose, swiftui, graphql;jshvarts/KmpGithubMVVM - android, ios, mvvm, sqldelight, cocoapods;hotmule/Lastik - android, desktop, jetpack compose, multimodule;Shabinder/SpotiFlyer - android, desktop, jetpack compose, web, react, windows, linux;abhishekdewan101/Scout - android, ios, sqldelight;Gradle Плагины Библиотеки