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Почему выбирают Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile?

В сообществе MobileNativeFoundation представитель Touchlab рассказал их наблюдения о том почему компании выбирают Kotlin Multiplatform.

Here's a selection of some reasons I've heard for choosing Kotlin Multiplatform as a native code sharing solution vs a cross-platform solution

  • Must have strong offline capabilities
  • Heavy reliance on device sensors
  • Been burned by choosing cordova/react-native/xamarin in the past
  • Don't want to reskill the team
  • Want to focus on sharing business logic and don't want to retool UIs
  • Maximizing the the value of code sharing is better than maximizing the amount of code sharing
  • The risk of making the wrong choice (backing out of KMP can keep Android app, backing out of others means starting over)
  • See the value of native UI for optimal customer experience
  • Retain great devs who see the value in learning and using Swift, SwiftUI, Kotlin, and Jetpack Compose
  • Apple's mobile investments and Google's Android investments are a more stable bet than Google's Flutter and other 3rd party solutions
  • Don't want to introduce a 3rd platform (still need native devs with other solutions)
  • Can use innovations from Apple and Google as soon as appropriate rather than waiting on 3rd party or community
  • Current library choices don't have equivalents in other solutions, are less maintained, featureful, or would require taking on the work of making them work

Here are some more articles (airbnb, shopify, and nubank already in previous comments)

А также на сайте Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile в разделе Case Studies можно прочитать детально о опыте использованя технологии в разных компаниях. Уже сейчас там есть компании VMWare, Autodesk, Yandex, Square, Philips, Netflix и другие, включая и нас, IceRock.